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Armin Van Buuren opens up about mental health in his life as an artist

Armin van Buuren, one of the most influential DJs and producers, recently addressed the issue of mental health in a new interview. With a legendary career spanning decades, the Dutch artist shares his thoughts on the ups and downs of being an artist. It offers a rare perspective on the sacrifices and challenges such success entails.

Armin Van Buuren
Armin Van Buuren

A career at the top, but at what cost?

Recognized for his essential presence on the stages of the biggest festivals, Armin van Buuren is also the founder of the Armada Music label and the host of the very popular radio show A State Of Trance. Despite his continued success and leading role in the music industry for over twenty years, Armin has expressed his desire to slow down. He emphasizes the need to take care of one's mental health and devote more time to one's family. It evokes the personal sacrifices that such a demanding career requires.

In an intimate conversation with Will Clarke, Armin van Buuren opened up about these personal topics. In particular, he revealed that he had considered a sabbatical leave of several years around 2020 and 2021. He was able to partially implement this decision thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. This forced break allowed him to realize the importance of taking time for himself and those close to him.

A difficult realization

One of the most striking moments of the interview is the discussion on the difference between external recognition, such as public admiration, and internal satisfaction, this feeling of personal fulfillment. Armin shares poignant introspection. He explains how he long sought to fill an inner void with external recognition, which pushed him to work ever harder. He describes times when, after playing to crowds of 40,000 people chanting his name, he found himself alone in his hotel room, downing a bottle of wine to compensate for the emptiness.

The conversation continues about the difficulties associated with residencies in Las Vegas and Ibiza. Although he enjoys performing in these iconic locations, Armin admits that these experiences can lose their meaning. He talks about a realization where he realized he was only doing it for the money, a reflection that pushed him to reevaluate his priorities. He chose to prioritize time spent with his family and in the studio, rather than continuing to accumulate exhausting tours.

A desire to slow down, postponed by success

Speaking about his family, Armin van Buuren confides that he had already considered slowing down his career around 2010, after getting married and having his first child. However, at the same time, the electronic scene exploded. It has become a global phenomenon. With tracks like ‘This Is What It Feels Like’, Armin saw his audience quadruple almost overnight. Although he discussed slowing down with his wife, he admits he never really could bring himself to do it until 2019.

This interview, rich in revelations, shows a human Armin van Buuren, aware of the personal issues linked to a superstar career. She offers valuable insight into the challenges artists face in the music industry while highlighting the importance of taking care of your mental health.

To hear more about these deep thoughts about mental health and other topics Armin van Buuren covers, you can watch the full interview below.


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